The page has been in use and updated by the end of 2019. We invite you to view the adult education quality content on the new site:

Who are we?
About the project
Development of the
project and important milestones
Register of the expert
external evaluators
Monitoring and
evaluation of the project
Register of expert external evaluators

Quality   Register of exp...
    The key persons in expert external evaluations in adult education are expert external evaluators. In addition to fulfilling general requirements (university education, at least 7 years of work experience, pedagogic-andragogic education), these experts also fulfil specific requirements related to the knowledge and experience of the field of adult education, internal and external quality evaluation, or of other fields that can be subject of expert external evaluation. They must also have completed the basic training for external evaluators organised by the SIAE, and have at least one experience with expert external evaluation. Expert external evaluators work in groups with other evaluators, so they complement each other’s knowledge and skills.
The register of expert external evaluators:
  • Sonja Klemenčič
  • dr. Tanja Možina
  • Alenka Jurič Rajh
  • Jasmina Orešnik Cunja
  • dr. Tatjana Novak
  • Nada Klučar
  • Ida Srebotnik
  • Mirjana Šibanc, Spec.
  • mag. Jasna Kržin Stepišnik
  • Inga Krusič Lamut
  • mag. Maja Zalokar
  • Marjana Rogel Peršič


How to enter
in the project
Seminars and professional training
The purpose of the expert external evaluation
Fields of quality
The process of expert external evaluation
Participating educational organizations
Impressions from previous evaluations
Meeting of organisations, users of the green OQEA logo

Second quality counsellors' workshop in 2019

Presentation of Slovenian approach to self-evaluation (POKI) in the Netherlands
 (C) 2003-2024 Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, last changed: 20.12.2019
hits: 0, computer realisation: Franci Lajovic, Robert Šmalc, editors: Jasmina Oreďż˝nik Cunja, Aleksandra Radojc