The page has been in use and updated by the end of 2019. We invite you to view the adult education quality content on the new site:

Who are we?
On quality incentives
The development of incentives and important milestones
The Green OQEA logo

Quality    Incentives   The Green OQEA ...
  • The logo represents an organisation that systematically cares about its quality and the quality of its adult education services.
  • The logo can be acquired by adult education organisations for continuous and systematic work on quality.
  • The organisation must prove within a certain period of time that it carries out self-evaluation processes systematically.
       Currently, 35 organisations have the right to use the green OQEA logo, 3 of them are secondary schools, 2 are school centres, 25 adult education centres and 5 private educational organisations.The list of users of the green OQEA logo can be found at:

SIAE adopted new regulations about granting and renewing the right to use the green OQEA logo – Offering Quality Education to Adults in december 2015. Key innovations resulting from the renewed Regulations are as follows:
  • introduction of the eight quality standards, which are assessed using quality criteria;
  • all the organizations that educate adults can obtain the logo (so far they have received it only when participating in the OQEA project);
  • the period for which the organization will demonstrate that it has prepared a self-evaluation plan, self-evaluation report and a written action plan based on the derived in-depth self-evaluation is a 3-year period;
  • introduction of grading: the right to use the Green OQEA logo is granted or renewed to organization that educates adults and meets all defined standards, with the classification criteria of minimum reach of at least 10 points;
  • duration of rights: the organization that will reach all the standards for the right to use the Green OQEA logo, will the right be now awarded for 3 years;
  • At SIAE we will carry out the process for gaining  or renewing the right to use the Green OQEA logo from now on only once a year (deadline for applications is 15th March in a calendar year);
  • The first procedure under the new Regulations will be carried out in 2017 (deadline for submission of organizations’ applications is 15.3.2017).

The green OQEA logo
Awards and certificates for developing quality
Expert external evaluation
Users of the green OQEA logo
Quality award winners
Meeting of organisations, users of the green OQEA logo

Second quality counsellors' workshop in 2019

Presentation of Slovenian approach to self-evaluation (POKI) in the Netherlands
 (C) 2003-2024 Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, last changed: 20.12.2019
hits: 0, computer realisation: Franci Lajovic, Robert Šmalc, editors: Jasmina Ore�nik Cunja, Aleksandra Radojc