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Awards and certificates for developing quality

Quality    Incentives   Awards and cert...

The SIAE awards the certificates for developing quality to educational organisations for adult education and individuals for exceptional achievements in planned care for developing quality in adult education.

The certificate is given to those who prove that they meet the criteria stated in the Regulations about awarding certificates of the SIAE for developing quality in adult education.

The SIAE publishes a tender to obtain the certificate every two years, and the winners are selected by the Quality in Adult Education Awards Committee, nominated by the SIAE board. 

The SIAE quality development awards are given to:

  • educational and other organisations that educate adults that provide systematic and holistic quality development (for example, have a specially formed quality group and plans for quality development, assess quality regularly and respond to the findings, learn a lot about how to introduce even more quality to their work etc.), and
  • individuals who in their work environment successfully encourage quality development in adult education and excel in activities intended to constantly develop the field (for example, those teachers, experts, managers, directors and principals who actively cooperate in the processes of quality assessment and development of adult education in their own quality, and at the same time care about the quality of their own work).

The Slovenian Institute for Adult Education presents the award for quality development in adult education as an award and an incentive to achieve the highest level of planned care for developing quality in adult education. The certificate for quality development is an award for the achieved results in investing into quality and organised care for establishing the systems of quality into adult education. The certificate is awarded to an educational organisation or an individual who proves that he/she (it) achieves the standards to be awarded the certificate.

So far, 11 certificates were awarded altogether, 6 to individuals and 5 to adult education organisations. The Slovenian Institute for Adult Education awarded the first SIAE Awards for Developing Quality in Adult Education (at the time known as the SIAE Awards for Exceptional Work in Quality Development) at the ceremony in 2007 (the tender was published at the end of 2006). Two awards were given in the category for educational and other organisations and three in the category for individual. The second tender was published at the end of 2008, and in 2009, three educational organisations and three individuals were publicly honoured at the SIAE ceremony.

The green OQEA logo
Awards and certificates for developing quality
Expert external evaluation
Users of the green OQEA logo
Quality award winners
Meeting of organisations, users of the green OQEA logo

Second quality counsellors' workshop in 2019

Presentation of Slovenian approach to self-evaluation (POKI) in the Netherlands
 (C) 2003-2024 Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, last changed: 20.12.2019
hits: 0, computer realisation: Franci Lajovic, Robert Šmalc, editors: Jasmina Ore�nik Cunja, Aleksandra Radojc