The page has been in use and updated by the end of 2019. We invite you to view the adult education quality content on the new site:

Who are we?
On quality incentives
The development of incentives and important milestones
The awards committee

The award recipients are selected by the Awards Committee in quality development in adult education.

The members of the Committee are nominated by the SIAE council for 6 years. The current Committee was initially nominated on 7 November 2005 with some additional membership changes made on 18 January 2009.

11 members of the Committee:

  • dr. Iztok Arčon
  • mag. Drago Bahun
  • dr. Slavica Černoša
  • Sonja Gole
  • Gorazd Jenko
  • dr. Robi Kroflič
  • dr. Bogomir Mihevc
  • dr. Vida A. Mohorčič Špolar
  • dr. Janko Muršak (predsednik)
  • Sonja Klemenčič
  • Marica Žvar

The green OQEA logo
Awards and certificates for developing quality
Expert external evaluation
Users of the green OQEA logo
Quality award winners
Meeting of organisations, users of the green OQEA logo

Second quality counsellors' workshop in 2019

Presentation of Slovenian approach to self-evaluation (POKI) in the Netherlands
 (C) 2003-2024 Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, last changed: 20.12.2019
hits: 0, computer realisation: Franci Lajovic, Robert Šmalc, editors: Jasmina Oreďż˝nik Cunja, Aleksandra Radojc