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Sonja Klemenčič, Tanja Vilič Klenovšek, Tanja Možina, 2003

Publisher and place of publishing: Andragoški center Slovenije, Ljubljana
Type of publication: monograph

The manual Quality Indicators is the core of the national model for quality assessment and development in adult education organisations known as Offering Quality Education to Adults - OQEA. The text emanates from the concept of the areas and subareas and partly quality indicators that were determined in the material Quality assessment and quality assurance in education (Ministry of Education and Sports, 1999), but it is an original adaptation for adult education. For the educational organisations deciding to implement the OQEA model, this manual is a useful guideline for their initial reflections on those areas of work where they must continuously assess and develop quality if they want to offer truly quality education to adults. The defined areas, sub-areas, and quality indicators can be understood as a map of the process, useful in searching for the answers to the questions about what should quality education for adults be like.

The publication is available at: (Slovenian only)


Quality counsellors
Expert external evaluation
Quality incentives
Web-based collections
Users of the green OQEA logo
Quality award winners
Meeting of organisations, users of the green OQEA logo

Second quality counsellors' workshop in 2019

Presentation of Slovenian approach to self-evaluation (POKI) in the Netherlands
 (C) 2003-2024 Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, last changed: 20.12.2019
hits: 0, computer realisation: Franci Lajovic, Robert Šmalc, editors: Jasmina Oreďż˝nik Cunja, Petra ďż˝maljcelj
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